Welcome to the BUD BREWSTER TOURNAMENT Event Portal


     On behalf of Brewster's Golf and STARS, we would like to invite you to play in the Annual Bud Brewster Golf Tournament. 

Brewster’s Golf, Kananaskis Ranch, is the realization of a dream held by 4th generation cowboy and entrepreneur Bud Brewster.

This unique 18 hole golf course lies at the base of Yamnuska Mountain and follows the moraines of the north bank of the Bow River.

Today, Brewster’s Golf still reflects the spirit of its founder.

Our team lives Bud’s dream each and every day and is excited to share his legacy with you during on signature event!



Join us Sunday, September 15, 2019 for a 4 person team Texas scramble with proceeds going to STARS Air Ambulance.




A Message from the Founder and Director of STARS

“Brewster’s has been an icon in our Rocky Mountains, providing outfitting or adventurous Albertans and for visitors to our province. STARS is very grateful for the tremendous support we receive from the Brewster’s Kananaskis Ranch Golf Tournament - and wow, now the 17th year for this special event! A great partnership - Brewster’s providing a tremendous experience for visitors and STARS helping to provide a health safety net in the event medical response is required. STARS celebrated 30 years of service in 2015, and has now carried out over 33,000 missions in western Canada.


Personally, our family fondly remembers the great outfitting and meals provided during our annual trips into the mountain parks. The Brewster’s are a true western family. We think of tournament and golf course founder, Bub Brewster – a man with a dream, as we head out to the links on September 15th. Thank you, Janet, Kevin, the Ranch team and tournament attendees for your fantastic support for STARS.